Your Seven Day Forecast


RICHMOND, VA - As temperatures fall and food sources become less abundant, many bears in Virginia will enter a winter den. Denning allows a bear to conserve energy when food resources are limited. Movements and denning behavior vary greatly across regions of the state depending on weather and available foods. With the lack of white oak acorns this fall, many bears likely went to a den earlier this winter as compared to the winter of 2023.

Black bears in Virginia will den in a variety of places including brush piles, trees (cavities within tree), rock outcroppings, ground nests, debris piles, and occasionally under porches or unsecured crawl spaces. Not all black bears den for the full winter season. Often, black bears that enter a winter den are females who will birth their cubs in the den or females with yearlings. Male black bears may den, but generally do not stay in a den for the entire winter due to the lack of extreme cold weather and snow across much of Virginia.

While many of us also slow down for the winter, there are still ample opportunities that take us afield in bear country. Whether enjoying a hike, cutting firewood, clearing brush, small game hunting, or doing other activities, you may inadvertently stumble upon a black bear den. A female black bear, particularly one who has cubs, will likely remain at the den unless they feel pressured to leave. Here are a few tips to avoid disturbing a bear den and what to do should a female leave her den.


  • Avoid hiking in dense brushy thickets or young cutover timber stands. If you must work in these areas, be mindful of brush piles, gullies with debris piles, or storm damage areas with thickets of limbs/root balls.
  • Always maintain your dog on a leash to avoid a dog-bear encounter at a den site.
  • When burning a brush or debris pile on your property, look around the entire pile for signs of digging (fresh dirt, holes) or entry routes into the pile.
  • If you notice large, excavated holes or fresh trails into debris or brush piles listen closely for the sound of cubs from a distance of at least 30ft away. They often emit a high-pitched cry or "squall".
  • To prevent a bear from denning under an occupied dwelling, ensure that crawl spaces, mobile home underpinnings, and porches are closed and secured prior to December 1st each year.




  • If you find a den on your property or while recreating, do not disturb it or approach the area. Leave the area, and if on public property, alert an employee of the location.
  • If you inadvertently flush a female bear from a den, DO NOT approach the den. Take a GPS point of the location (or mark a nearby area with flagging) and leave the area immediately. If you have a dog with you, leash it and keep it maintained on a leash as you leave the area. Contact the Wildlife Helpline (1-855-571-9003) to report the den location.
    • Most often when left alone the female will return to the den, although they may not return until night. Do not go back to the den area as additional disturbance may cause the bear to leave again and not return.

Delegate's third effort to stabilize state's rent problem continued to next year 

By Thailon Wilson, Capital News Service

RICHMOND, Va. -- State lawmakers did not advance legislation this session that aimed to slow rising rent prices, although affordable housing remains a big concern for constituents. 

Two proposed bills would have allowed localities to adopt anti-rent gouging provisions, prevent landlords from increasing rent without at least two-month notice, and set an annual allowance between 7-15% for rent increases. 

Sen. Jennifer Boysko, D-Fairfax, introduced Senate Bill 366, which is dead after it was defeated in committee. 

Del. Nadarius Clark, D-Suffolk, introduced House Bill 721, which was continued to 2025. Committee members raised concerns over potential problems and wanted to see some research, possibly from the Virginia Housing Commission. One member suggested a possible pilot program.

This was the third year that Clark attempted to pass some type of rent stabilization bill. The others were tabled or passed by indefinitely. The fact that the bill was not struck down shows growing support, Clark said.

"It does show that the General Assembly is ready to have conversations," Clark said. "I'm happy that the chair of that committee and the members of that committee is willing to work with me throughout this year to bring stakeholders together, to bring work groups together."

Clark represents constituents in the Hampton Roads area where 53.5% of residents spend 30% or more of their income on rent, according to a Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies report. In the Richmond and Charlottesville areas, 52% of renters spend 30% of their income on rent.

That is on par with, and in some cases greater, than major metropolitan areas around the country, according to the report. 

"This year, we're focused on rent gouging because we see throughout our commonwealth that rent has been going up in certain places 20, 30, 40, 50% and even higher in some places," Clark said. "We see that these are predatory tactics that some developers and landowners and leasing people are using." 

Clark's bill advanced from the Counties, Cities and Towns committee on a bipartisan vote. It was then referred to the Courts of Justice Civil subcommittee. 

There was testimony in support of and against the bill, which boiled down to renters versus property owners and managers. Virginia constituents have shared stories of how their rent jumped 33% and even higher in certain cases, according to Gustavo Espinosa with the Legal Aid Justice Center.

Espinosa translated for several speakers who offered testimony. One South Richmond renter asked lawmakers for help and to limit rent increases because "our salaries aren't going up so much." 

"The rent increase has been too much," said María Lopez, another renter. "We have families and our salary is not enough to pay for everything."

The rent-gouging protections need to pass and Lopez said it is unjust that landlords can raise rent so much.

People in opposition to the bill testified that it was well intentioned, but would ultimately be ineffective. The state already has a housing supply issue and the bill would exacerbate it, speakers said.

Marla Posey, a member of the Virginia Apartment Management Association, has worked in states with rent control and said the bill could decrease housing supply and quality. She thinks the legislation would harm people instead of help them. 

"Here in Virginia, we need policy to support adding new housing opportunities ... to be able to house more Virignians, not enacting policy that will halt housing development," Posey said. 

Rent-control also stymies other business development in locations, such as grocery stores, she said. 

The bill is not a rent-control measure, Clark said. Allowed rent increases would be evaluated annually. A locality could create a board to also hear arguments for higher increases. 

New properties would be exempt from this ordinance for the first 15 years of ownership, Clark said. The original proposal set the exemption at 10 years, but was amended.

If the current system was working, the state would not be short 200,000 affordable units and Richmond rents would not top New York City, Clark said. 

"We clearly have a problem and the formula that we're using now doesn't work," Clark said. "This will give localities the power and the option ... to enact this ordinance ... to help people improve their lives."

"Real estate" or "construction" groups held the No. 3 spot for campaign donations, when ranked by industry, according to a Virginia Public Access Project analysis. Donations from organizations that fall under that industry totaled $31.6 million from 2022-2023. 

Affordable housing was among the top three issues Democratic voters want to see the governor and lawmakers tackle, according to a recent survey from The Wason Center.

There are a number of other housing reform bills in the General Assembly, several with a focus on tenant rights. 

The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus (VLBC) remains in profound solidarity with the 122,500 Virginians who are actively trapped in our state's criminal justice system, nearly half of whom are Black. When slavery was abolished by the 13th Amendment, it was qualified with "except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted." With that, mass incarceration was born and the criminal justice system absorbed the role of dehumanizing, abusing and punishing Black America.

Defeated Legislation:

The members of this organization are well positioned in both the House and Senate Courts of Justice Committees to block harsher penalties and punitive policies which would increase incarceration rates and sentencing lengths. The harmful, regressive policies we are pleased will not make it into state law include the reestablishment of the death penalty; increased larceny penalties including an automatic felony triggered by the third offense; expansions on the length of probation periods and the removal of limitations on the amount of jail time one can receive for probation violations; the elevation of certain drug offenses to the degree of felony homicide; and the restoration of an automatic denial of bail for certain offenses, denying those arrested the promised presumption of innocence until proven otherwise.

While attempting to roll back the rights of anyone who has or will interact with the criminal justice system, our Republican counterparts are simultaneously working to strengthen the power of the Commonwealth over that of community members. Together, we defeated a list of unnecessary additional reasons for police traffic stops, which we know has historically led to the disproportionate profiling of Black drivers. Additionally, we have protected and affirmed the privacy of criminal history and juvenile justice records because no one deserves to be indefinitely punished for their worst mistake.

Repealing processes which are detrimental to Black communities in Virginia is only half of our task. As quickly as we work to dismantle the unjust criminal system, the VLBC is rebuilding it to be more efficient, empathetic and effective.

Increasing guidance and accountability for law enforcement interventions:

With a joint effort in the House and Senate to restrict the use of the widely condemned and barbaric policy of solitary confinement, SB 719, sponsored by Senator Bagby, and HB 1244, sponsored by Delegate Cole both passed in their respective chambers.

SB 546, sponsored by Senator Bagby, was unanimously passed in the Senate. The bill allows one's family member or legal guardian to be present during the process to determine whether they meet the criteria for a psychiatric temporary detention order. This act of dignity could have also been life-saving in cases such as that of 28 year old Irvo Otieno, who was killed in custody after being restrained in a Virginia Psychiatric Hospital in 2023.

SB 547, sponsored by Senator Bagby, was unanimously passed in the Senate. This requires law enforcement training for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

HB 611, sponsored by Delegate Price, passed with bipartisan support in the House. As we fight to prevent its use, we are championing this bill to increase the reporting on and transparency around deaths in custody. When any person dies under the supposed care of the Commonwealth, we are entitled to a complete investigation, analysis and active measures to prevent another death from occurring in the same way.

HB 1496, sponsored by Delegate Rasoul, passed with bipartisan support in the House. This targets and regulates law-enforcement agencies' use of surveillance, directing the Department of Criminal Justice Services to create and maintain a registry of surveillance technologies.

Expanding opportunities and pathways out of the criminal justice system:

HB 1269, sponsored by Delegate Price, passed with bipartisan support in the House and was referred to the Senate Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services. It creates an exemption to certain "barrier crime" rules which block many in the recovery community from employment at an adult substance abuse or mental health treatment program.

SB 482, sponsored by Senator Aird, and HB 803, sponsored by Delegate Rasoul support additional record expungement of juvenile court records, for certain offenses which would be considered a felony, if committed by an adult. While the Senate version of the bill failed to pass out of the Senate Courts of Justice Committee, its House counterpart passed and is on its way to the Senate.

HB 457, sponsored by Delegate Callsen, passed in the House. The bill establishes criteria for the mandatory reduction of probation periods including the defendant's participation in educational activities, maintaining employment, completing a mental health or substance abuse treatment program, and good conduct.

HB 1252, sponsored by Delegate McClure, passed in the House with some bipartisan support. Aligning with our priority of cutting back the recidivism rate and amount of people behind bars who pose no threat to public safety—the bill introduces parole revocation hearing guidelines, reviews of previous technical violations and limits on sentences after one's parole has been revoked.

In order to break down the wall between our dual justice systems—one which works for the rich and one which does not work, we are focused on eliminating the financial burden of the carceral system:

HB 824, sponsored by Delegate Cousins, passed in the House. The bill holds indigent Virginian's harmless for potential increases in court-appointed attorney fees. This will mitigate the burden of legal counsel fees for those among us who are the most financially vulnerable while promoting financial incentives for more attorneys to take court appointments, with better quality representation.

SB 514, sponsored by Senator Williams Graves, passed in the Senate. The bill reduces the fee collection period from a maximum of 60 years and minimum of 30, down to 10 years. This ensures that not every sentence is a life sentence.

SB 481, sponsored by Senator Aird, was passed in the Senate Courts of Justice Committee but failed to pass the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee. The bill would have abolished juvenile fines and fees related to the prosecution of criminal offenses.

HB 246, sponsored by Delegate Jones, passed in the House and has been referred to the Senate Courts of Justice Committee. The bill makes the fines, penalties and other costs associated with criminal and traffic cases more transparent including updates on what the remaining balance is.

HB 614, sponsored by Delegate Price, passed in the House with some bipartisan support This proposed program to create community service work opportunities, which could be participated in during incarceration, in lieu of payment of fines and costs, is a step towards making criminal consequences more meaningful and restorative for both the incarcerated person and the Commonwealth.

Senator Williams Graves and Delegate Price, have introduced legislation in both chambers to create payment plans and deferred payment agreements for incarcerated people with fees related to their criminal case. SB 654 was passed in the Senate and HB 612 was passed in the House and has been referred to the Senate Courts of Justice Committee.

In the United States, we are leading in imprisonment with a higher rate of incarceration than all other democratic nations. In Virginia, our incarceration rate is even higher than the national average. This is a government failure. Our prisons have created a cycle of abuse, which we must end by reducing unnecessary incarceration:

SB 643, sponsored by Senator Aird, passed out of the Senate Courts of Justice Committee but failed to pass through the Senate. This legislation would create an exemption for willfully failing to appear in judicial proceedings while one is in the custody of law enforcement. Currently, the person in custody would be facing a Class 1 misdemeanor or Class 6 felony even though the ability to appear on time is widely out of their control. For deterrence laws to be effective, they must target those with the power to change the desired outcome.

HB 455, sponsored by Delegate Callsen, passed in the House. This will cut down on unnecessary prison time, due to legal technicalities, by reducing the offense for possession of an item containing less than one gram of a controlled substance from a Class 5 felony to a Class 1 misdemeanor.

HB 179, sponsored by Delegate Gardner, was passed in the House Appropriations Committee but failed to pass through the House. Through eliminating mandatory consecutive sentences of imprisonment, this bill would mitigate needlessly long sentences and allow the court's approach to any individual to be more holistic.

HB 452, sponsored by Delegate Callsen, passed unanimously in the House. The benefits of the first offender drug program have already been demonstrated in Virginia and we plan to expand them to anyone convicted of an offense related to misdemeanor possession of marijuana. This allows individuals to avoid a conviction or criminal record by satisfying certain probationary terms.

HB 834, sponsored by Delegate Cousins, failed to pass in the House Appropriations Committee. Even if they meet all other criteria, someone who has been transferred out of jail and into state prison cannot petition for the modification of their sentence. By creating a pathway for this, we will simply be elevating them to the same level of due process given to all other citizens.

SB 144, sponsored by Senator Carroll Foy, passed in the Senate. This bill would ensure that those charged with a felony have a right to preliminary hearing—which we are all entitled to under the law. However, prosecutors have exploited a loophole which has rendered this right meaningless on a technicality by dropping charges in District Courts and recharging individuals in Circuit Courts.

Updates Focus on Providing Access to Capital and Entrepreneurial Support Services, Creating Economic Opportunities, and Advancing our National Economy

WASHINGTON – Today,  Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman, head of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the voice in President Biden's Cabinet for America's more than 33 million small businesses and startups, announced the SBA's updated 2023 Equity Action Plan outlining actionable steps the agency will take to advance the Biden-Harris Administration's commitment to investing in equity, including expanding access to capital and revenue growth opportunities; tailoring business counseling, training, and other services; and increasing access to disaster assistance for underserved communities.

"Under the Biden-Harris Administration, the face of entrepreneurship is changing as Americans from traditionally underserved and underrepresented communities start businesses at record rates," said Administrator Guzman. "The SBA's updated Equity Action Plan recognizes the tremendous value that diverse entrepreneurs bring to our economy in terms of job creation, innovation, and domestic and international competition. As America continues to enjoy an unprecedented Small Business Boom, the SBA remains determined in its efforts to boost entrepreneurship among people of color, women, veterans, and those from rural communities, and this updated Equity Action Plan is a testament to that commitment."

This Equity Action Plan aligns with the Executive Order that President Biden signed on his first day in office, requiring every federal agency to conduct comprehensive assessments of their programs, policies, and practices to ensure that they equitably serve all communities and individuals – especially those historically underserved.

The SBA identifies underserved communities as those populations and geographic communities systematically denied the opportunity to participate fully in aspects of economic, social, and civic life. Some SBA programs utilize a specific definition for underserved communities and/or disadvantaged small businesses as outlined in program statutes and regulations.

The 2023 Equity Action Plan outlines the following strategies:

  • Improve Access to Loan Capital by enrolling new lenders with a capacity to reach underserved markets, using SBA's simplified lending rules to increase existing lenders' participation, and proposing a new policy that encourages more lending to justice-involved entrepreneurs.
  • Improve Access to Federal Government Procurement and Contracting Opportunities by leveraging resources to support Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDBs) and working with federal agencies to advocate for and identify more contracting opportunities for SDBs.
  • Improve Access to Disaster Assistance by modernizing technology, streamlining the application process, and increasing support for underserved disaster survivors navigating the application process.
  • Improve Access to Business Counseling, Training, and Services by tailoring outreach, training, and educational resources to the specific needs of underserved communities.
  • Improve Access to Investment Capital by implementing new rules for the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Program that increase diversity among participating fund managers, which can lead to more investment capital deployed to underserved entrepreneurs.

The SBA's regular engagement with the small business community and its stakeholders helped inform the Equity Action Plan. Through its nationwide network of field and program offices, the SBA communicates directly with entrepreneurs via activities such as training events, small business coaching sessions, office hour calls, and the regulation and policy notification process. SBA also gains insights from Resource Partners, small business trade associations, chambers of commerce, and other entities similarly focused on aiding small business growth.

In addition to this plan, the SBA also highlighted the updates and accomplishments of the first Equity Action Plan, which included:

  • Creating a new type of Small Business Lending Company (SBLC) called Community Advantage Small Business Lending Companies (CA SBLCs), which provided for the conversion of Community Advantage Pilot lenders to fully licensed CA SBLCs with permanent 7(a) lending authority.
    • From FY22 to FY23, Community Advantage lending to underserved borrowers increased by 11% by total loan count and 23% by total loan dollars.
  • Opening a new window for new applications for SBLC licenses until July 31, 2023. The new SBLCs will help target critical market gaps in SBA lending to underserved small businesses.
  • Creating the SBIC Growth and Diversification Rule, which encouraged expanded participation by a more diverse range of fund managers across the nation by establishing a new fund-of-funds license, aligning terms to fit with patient and growth strategies, enabling smaller-sized funds to receive support, and simplifying and streamlining licensing rules.
    • In FY22, SBA's efforts led to SBIC financing to women-owned, minority-owned, and veteran-owned small businesses increasing by 29%.
  • Negotiating contracting goals with all 24 Chief Financial Officers Act agencies to drive more federal dollars to SDB owners. These goals were set to meet the FY 2022 interim goal of 11% of contract awards to SDBs as a milestone toward 15% by FY25.
    • Dollars earned by SDBs increased from $62.4 billion in FY21 to a record $69.9 billion in FY22.
    • The number of federal government procurement and contracting opportunities reserved for small businesses increased from $89.5 billion in FY21 to $99.5 billion in FY22.
  • Launching the 8(a) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Pool, in partnership with the General Services Administration (GSA), to increase 8(a) Program participants' opportunities within the GSA's MAS Program.
  • Rolling out new electronic tools to identify qualified businesses and measure the health of the industrial base with the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB's) Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), including the Small Business Data HUB and GSA's Resources and Tools to Advance Equity in Procurement.
  • Enrolling more SDBs into SBA's business development and contracting programs.
    • The number of SDBs that received a government contract increased to 23,260 in FY22.
  • Maximizing application education and assistance for the 8(a) Business Development program.
    • In FY22, 542 new 8(a) firms were certified.
  • Completing the Disaster Loan Program Modifications Rule to increase the maximum allowable disaster loan amount to ensure the amount of disaster assistance is sufficient to help disaster victims complete a full recovery.
  • Implementing the Disaster Assistance for Rural Communities Act to increase the accessibility of disaster assistance for rural communities.
  • Leveraging the new "Whole-of-SBA Approach" to foster an extensive network of partnerships to conduct deliberate customer service campaigns earlier in the disaster response cycle and optimize recovery resource delivery.
  • Creating the SBA's new Portable Loan Outreach Center (PLOC) initiative to provide support to underserved disaster survivors who might not otherwise have access to SBA assistance.
    • In FY23, several rural areas were served by PLOCs. For example, in Mississippi, 352 business contacts had 72 successful loan applications; in Florida, 248 contacts led to 132 accepted applications.
  • Allocating nearly $45 million (32%) of funding to Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) is now associated with investments at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).
  • Selecting five new Women Business Centers (WBCs) in 2022 to be operated at established MSIs, while 60% of WBCs are located in rural communities.
  • Creating the Tribal College Small Business Achievement grant to support Native American economic development.
  • Expanding the Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) Program by six centers (up to 28) and hosting a Military Spouse Entrepreneur Virtual Summit.
  • Hosting outreach events with various federal agencies, including the new Path to Prosperity series, that served over 3,300 attendees from mostly rural areas.
  • Signing Strategic Alliance Memorandums (SAM) with the American Jewish Committee to combat antisemitism. SAMs were also signed with the National Pan Hellenic Council to promote SBA programs and services to Black entrepreneurs and with Operation HOPE to provide financial literacy and resources for their efforts to create one million Black businesses.

Read the complete SBA Equity Action Plan here.  

Read the White House Fact Sheet on the government-wide Equity Action Plans here.

To learn more about government-wide equity efforts, click here

By Michael Chun, Capital News Service

RICHMOND, Va. -- State lawmakers have advanced bills that would allow public sector employees to use medical cannabis without losing their job. 

House Bill 149, introduced by Del. Dan Helmer, D-Fairfax, extends to state public employees rights that already exist in the private sector. The bill passed with bipartisan support on a 78-20 vote.

Helmer sponsored HB 1862 three years ago, to protect patients approved for medical cannabis use. That bill "unintentionally did not protect public sector employees," Helmer said.

"The key was we left our brave first responders out of this," Helmer said. "That was never our intent and so this bill is meant to fix that."

 A cannabis product is anything from CBD up to 10 milligrams of THC per dose, the current state cap, as long as the product is produced, sold and tested through the medical cannabis program. 

 Public sector employees such as firefighters, police officers and teachers are among the groups that would be protected under Helmer's bill if they are approved to use cannabis products to treat conditions or diseases. 

Senate Bill 391, introduced by Sen. Stella Pekarsky, D-Fairfax, also offers protection to public sector employees, with the exception of law enforcement officers. The bill passed the Senate with a 30-10 vote.

Peksarsky's bill uses language that extends protection for use of cannabis oil.

Helmer's bill was amended from "cannabis oil" to "cannabis products," which he said is meant to "refer to a slew of medically recommended products that have cannabis as the basis."

Any increase in inquiries or modifications to existing policies would be absorbed within existing resources by the Department of Labor and Industry or Department of Human Resource Management, respectively, according to the bill's impact statement. 

Joe Mirabile, a representative of Virginia's Professional Firefighters, testified in support of Helmer's bill during its committee hearing.

"My members have reported that they're relying on alcohol far less, they're sleeping more at home and they're seeing other positive effects, such as reduction of joint and muscle pain without having to use opioid prescriptions," Mirabile said.

The only legal way that a person can purchase cannabis in the state is through the medical cannabis program. Approved state practitioners can issue a certification after an initial consultation. 

Dawn Adams, a nurse practitioner and former state delegate who represented the Richmond area, operates a medical cannabis practitioner clinic. Cannabis products are often used to help with PTSD, anxiety and sleep problems that are associated with the employee's role, according to Adams. 

Over-the-counter and prescription drugs, along with alcohol, can sometimes have lingering effects compared to an appropriate dose of short-acting cannabis medication, Adams said. But that has been the only option for many workers. 

"Many of these people have had to jump through a thousand hoops to even be considered to use medical cannabis," Adams said. "When in fact, it would be a pretty decent alternative to many of the health determinants that are associated with their life."

Employers would still be able to prohibit use of cannabis on the job and take action against any employee whose work is impaired because of cannabis use. The proposed bill does not make any changes to the current law in regards to federal workers.

There is no widely available rapid test to nail down the window of cannabis use to determine if an employee was impaired at work. Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University are working on a THC breathalyzer to help law enforcement detect cannabis impairment, and distinguish between THC and CBD use. 

Chelsea Higgs Wise is the executive director of the advocacy group Marijuana Justice, which is focused on helping the state create an equitable recreational cannabis marketplace.

"State employees should be allowed to access cannabis in their off-work time," Higgs Wise said. 

The group supports Helmer's bill.

 "We understand the nuances that public employees are navigating and are excited to offer our support for this extension of wellness to our employees of the Commonwealth," Higgs Wise stated in the organization's letter of support to Helmer.

There are approximately 1,000 approved medical cannabis practitioners in Virginia. A total of 98,396 patients used their written certification in 2023 to receive medical cannabis through the state program, according to the managing agency Cannabis Control Authority. 

Both bills now advance to the other chamber. 

 Capital News Service is a program of Virginia Commonwealth University's Robertson School of Media and Culture. Students in the program provide state government coverage for a variety of media outlets in Virginia.

Graveside Service

Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 2:00 pm

Greensville Memorial Cemetery
1250 Skippers Road
Emporia, VA 23847

Merle Marie Thorpe
March 19, 1943 - January 23, 2024

Merle Thorpe, known as Patsy by everyone who knew her, passed away on January 23, 2024. Patsy was born on March 19, 1943, in Nash County, North Carolina, but lived in Emporia, Virginia. She was a loyal follower of Christ and loved being with her family and friends. Throughout her life she worked in the sewing and textile industry and later in security at Perdue Farms and Georgia Pacific before retiring. After retiring, she found joy attending to her flowers and her beloved pets, Princess and Montana.

Patsy is survived by her husband, Neuit H Thorpe, Jr. and her sons, Roy C Simms, Jr. (Lorie), John C Simms (Nancy), Joey L Simms (Dianna), and Neuit H Thorpe, III (Melody). She also, leaves behind her sister, Diane Ligon and her brother, Wayne W Ferguson (Sandra). Patsy will be dearly missed by her grandchildren; Dominique Nichols, Crystal Simms, Shayla Myers (Harley), Joshua Simms (Lacey Sky), Morgan Simms (Chard Phebe), Nicholas S Simms (Harley), Matthew Thorpe (MaKenzie) and Todd Thorpe (Jordan) and great-grandchildren, Jacqueline Nichols, Josline Nichols, Kinley Myers, Emerson Myers, Watson Todd Thorpe and Lillian Grace Thorpe. Patsy is also survived by her nephew, Benji Ligon and Niece Michelle Karen Mitchell (Craig) along with great niece, Georgianna Dowdy and great nephews, Tyler Ligon, Cole Ligon, and Chase Mitchell. Patsy was preceded in death by her father, Woodrow W Ferguson, her mother, Lillian Mable Slagle Ferguson Loftis, her brother, Steve R Ferguson and her sister’s husband, Lloyd “Butch” Ligon.`

A graveside service will be held on Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at Greensville Memorial Cemetery starting at 2:00 PM with Pastor Troy Green officiating. Reception to follow at Calvary Baptist Church.

Online condolences may be made to










By Quentin R. Johnson, Ph.D.

Communities across the country participated in National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day on January 9. Although the observance sets aside a specific day to express gratitude to law enforcement personnel, these public servants deserve recognition all year long. Law enforcement personnel are a crucial component of what is required to keep our neighborhoods safe. They are frequently a community's only full-time professional first responders. They safeguard the innocent and stand against criminal activity. They help keep the peace in times of crisis.

The impetus behind the observance arose when a controversial police shooting led to unrest in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014. In the wake of negative media attention concerning police actions, C.O.P.S. (Concerns of Police Survivors) and several other organizations dedicated to the support of law enforcement officials felt it necessary to promote positive stories. They advocated an observance dedicated to showing gratitude for police efforts and expressing an understanding of the difficulties that surround split-second decision-making processes under life-threatening stresses.

Since that time, other high-profile tragedies have exacerbated a negative stereotype of police officers in some minds. National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day serves to remind people that the nearly one million men and women serving as public safety officers in the United States routinely make personal sacrifices, exhibit courage, and take on risks in order to protect their communities.

As the need to focus on positive solutions became urgent, the Virginia Community College System asked that I chair a task force to review the law enforcement curricula offered across our community college system. Based on that work, courses have been modified to focus on the important relationships between law enforcement personnel and the communities they serve. Additionally, components have been incorporated to build students' understanding of cultural competency.

According to Dr. Alfonzo Seward, Lead Instructor in SVCC's Criminal Justice program, "The Criminal Justice program is built around core courses that provide practical knowledge, information about the causes of crime and delinquency, and an understanding of ethical issues. This combination of topics helps prepare future law enforcement members to face the challenges inherent in a career that may require them to put their lives on the line to protect others."

SVCC offers two distinct pathways for students seeking to embark on a career in law enforcement and related professions. The two-year Criminal Justice AAS program prepares students for careers in criminal justice agencies and can satisfy transfer requirements for students who plan to pursue a related four-year program.

For students seeking a shorter path to immediate employment, the Criminal Justice Certificate program can be completed in two semesters. It provides training for individuals who plan to work in settings such as police departments and correctional facilities.

Students in these programs may be eligible for tuition assistance through Virginia's G3 program, which serves residents who qualify for in-state tuition and meet low-income criteria. Approved programs fall into targeted, high-demand career areas such as public safety. More information about G3 funding can be obtained from SVCC's Student Services Department ( or 434-736-2022).

The brave men and women who choose careers in law enforcement stand on guard every day to protect our communities. The next time you see a police officer or other member of the justice community, remember to express your thanks for his or her commitment to public service.

Dr. Quentin R. Johnson is president of Southside Virginia Community College, an institution of higher learning that provides a wide variety of education opportunities to a diverse student population within a service area that spans ten counties and the City of Emporia. He can be reached via email at

Visitation Services

Wednesday, January 31, 2024, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Owen Funeral Home
303 S. Halifax Rd
Jarratt, VA 23867

Wednesday, January 31, 2024, 2:00 PM

Owen Funeral Home
303 S. Halifax Rd
Jarratt, VA 23867

Jack McCaffity
February 16, 1954 - January 28, 2024

Mr. Jackie Ray “Jack” McCaffity, 69, of Jarratt, Virginia passed away Sunday, January 28, 2024. He was son of the late Clyde C. McCaffity and Oma B. McCaffity and he was also preceded in death by a son, James Ray “Jamie” Moore. 

Jack is survived by his wife, Kathy; sons, Joshua McCaffity (Jennifer), Justin McCaffity, Christopher Butler (Amy), Gene Butler (Amanda), Brandon Butler (Ashley) and daughter, Priscilla Butler; sister Oma “Boogie” Chamberlain (Phil); brothers, Willie E. McCaffity (Eiko) and Milton G.McCaffity (B) and (Johanna) and numerous grandchildren.

The funeral service will be held 2 p.m. Wednesday, January 31 at Owen Funeral Home, 303 S. Halifax Rd in Jarratt where the family will receive friends prior to the service 12 – 2 p.m. 

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions be made to St. Jude Children” Research Hospital. 





Visitation Services

Friday, January 26, 2024, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

St. John Lutheran Church
1351 W. Atlantic St
Emporia, VA 23847

Friday, January 26, 2024, 11:00 AM

St. John Lutheran Church
1351 W. Atlantic St
Emporia, VA 23847

Amy Taylor Dianis
July 18, 1963 - January 22, 2024

Mrs. Amy Taylor Dianis, 60, of Emporia, passed away Monday, January 23, 2024 surrounded by her family after a short battle with bone marrow cancer. She was the daughter of the late Thomas Edward & Joan Smith Taylor. 

Amy is survived by her husband of 33 years, Walter Dianis; daughter, Morgan Dianis (John Wachsmann); son, Daniel Dianis; brother, Thomas E. “Tommy” Taylor, Jr. (Stacey), brothers in-law, George Dianis (Debbie) and Marty Dianis, and numerous beloved cousins, nieces and nephews. She loved her family more than anything in this world.

She worked at Boar’s Head Provisions in accounts payable for over 30 years where she was widely known by all she came in contact with as a great friend and friendly face. She loved making her yard beautiful and was constantly busy with a new outdoor project. She was an avid animal and horse lover, and also leaves behind her dogs Dixie and Molly and her granddogs Rudy and Loretta. She was also passionate about dog and horse rescue and was a volunteer at Village View. 

The family will receive friends Friday, January 26th at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1351 E. Atlantic St. Emporia, Virginia from 9:30-11:00 AM with a funeral service at 11:00. Interment will follow at the church cemetery. The family also welcomes friends for lunch following interment at the church.

In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the VCU Massey Cancer Center: VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, Box 980214, Richmond, Virginia 23298-0214



On January 23, 2024, state police investigated a single vehicle crash on Low Ground Road, south of Little Low Ground Road, Greensville County.

The crash investigation revealed that the driver of a 2005 Chevrolet Impala, 80 year-old Merle Marie Thorpe, was traveling southbound on Low Ground Road, when she crossed over into the northbound lanes of travel, and ran off the roadway. Once the vehicle ran off the road, it struck a tree stump and overturned, entrapping Thorpe.

Thorpe, the sole occupant of the vehicle, suffered serious life threatening injuries and was taken to Southern Virginia Regional Medical Center in Emporia. Thorpe was later flown to Chippenham Hospital where she later succumbed to her injuries.

Visitation Services

Saturday, January 27, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Zion Baptist Church
974 Zion Church Rd
Emporia, VA 23847

Saturday, January 27, 2024, 12:00 PM

Zion Baptist Church
974 Zion Church Rd
Emporia, VA 23847

January 17, 1949 - January 19, 2024

Mr. Steve Bradley Bolton, 75, of Emporia, Virginia passed away on Friday, January 19, 2024. He was the son of the late Mary and Everett Bolton and was also preceded in death by a great-grandson, Walker Brooks Sampson and a sister, Diane Moore. 

Steve was a graduate of SVCC and worked for the Department of Corrections as a Wastewater Supervisor. He was a Past Master of Widow’s Son Lodge #150 of Emporia, Virginia and was a member of Zion Baptist Church where he was past Deacon and Sunday School Teacher.

Steve is survived by his wife, Karen; children, Jim Bolton (Melissa) and Missy Bullock (Brian); stepdaughter, Marcie Willis (Jamie) and mother-in-law, Martha Lash; uncle, Willie Brewer; grandchildren, Courtney Sampson (Dustyn), Matthew Bullock (Ciara), Cameron and Austin Bolton; step grandson, Aidan Willis and great-grandchildren, Seth and Bryce Sampson. 

Steve was an avid lover of Walt Disney World where He and Karen would vacation to several times a year. He loved spending time in the mountains. In his spare time, loved spending time in his shop doing woodworking and crafting knives and swords. 

A memorial service will be held 12 noon on Saturday, January 27 at Zion Baptist Church, 974 Zion Church Rd, Emporia, Virginia where the family will receive friends one hour prior to the service.



Visitation Services

Friday, January 19, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Owen Funeral Home
303 S. Halifax Rd
Jarratt, VA 23867

Friday, January 19, 2024, 2:00 PM

Owen Funeral Home
303 S. Halifax Rd
Jarratt, VA 23867

October 30, 1955 - January 7, 2024

Thomas Wade "Tommy" Poarch, 68, of Chester, VA, died on January 7, 2024. Though a longtime resident of Chester, "home" always included his beloved hometown of Jarratt, VA, which he visited often. Tommy was the son of the late Broaddus Wade Poarch and Inez Alice Yeattes. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by many cherished aunts and uncles; dear friends; and his long-time hunting and fishing buddy, James Winger. He is survived by his daughter, Sarah Wheeler and husband, Mike; son, Jeff Poarch and wife, Rachel; four grandchildren, Evan, Kate, Nora, and Silas; his uncle, William S. "Billy" Poarch; many cousins and extended family; and his neighbors who became family too, Charlie and Donna Penner. He also leaves behind an immense number of good friends. Tommy was enjoying his well-deserved retirement after over 35 years with Columbia Gas of Virginia. As an avid outdoorsman, there was little he loved doing more than being out in the woods hunting, fishing, camping, or searching for artifacts; though there may have been an even rival in a glass of good bourbon.

He loved all the finer things in life: history, stock-car racing, classic rock and beach music, UVA basketball, BBQ, and cooking (especially for a crowd). Most of all, he loved people, and this world has never known a more kind and loving son, father, friend, and "Pop." The family will host a visitation on Thursday, January 18, 2024, at the Chester Chapel of J.T. Morriss & Son Funeral Home, 3050 W Hundred Rd, Chester, VA 23831, from 6pm until 8pm. On Friday, January 19, 2024, a funeral service will be held at Owen Funeral Home, 303 S Halifax Rd, Jarratt, VA 23867. The family will receive friends and family starting at 1pm, the funeral service will begin at 2pm, with interment to follow at High Hills Cemetery, in Jarratt. At the conclusion of the funeral services, approximately 5pm until 9pm, we invite friends and family to join us for dinner and drinks at The Barns of Kanak, at 5503 Ruffin Rd, Prince George, VA 23875. In lieu of flowers, we welcome donations made in Tommy's honor to St. Judes Children's Hospital or to your local volunteer Fire Department.


RICHMOND, VA - Today, Speaker Don Scott announced the creation of a new committee addressing the lack of access to healthcare in rural Virginia. This temporary committee would convene May 1st and complete their work by November 15th, with at least five recommendations for the 2025 Legislative Session. Delegate Rodney Willett will chair the committee and Delegate Bobby Orrock will serve as Vice-Chair.

"For the first time in generations, life expectancy in the United States has decreased," said Speaker Don Scott. "This is acute in our rural communities where suicide, overdose deaths, and diabetes are on the rise. As we endeavor to live by our oath to serve the people of Virginia, it is critical that we address this matter with the urgency it deserves. I know Delegate Rodney Willett will get the job done."

"This is an issue that affects every corner of the Commonwealth, and I'm confident that together with the rest of the committee, we will find tangible ways to make healthcare more accessible," said Delegate Mark Sickles, Chairman of the House Health and Human Services Committee.

Delegate Rodney Willett, the appointed Chair of the select committee, said, "I'm grateful for the opportunity to chair this much needed committee and for the Speakers' confidence in me. We know that the challenges rural folks face are unique. They often must travel great distances to access adequate healthcare. Telehealth, which serves as an alternative to many and grew in accessibility for most during the COVID-19 pandemic, is still inaccessible in some areas due to a lack of high-speed broadband. It is my hope that the select committee can make recommendations to address these issues in the next Legislative Session."

"As someone raised in rural Virginia and having seen first hand the healthcare needs of these communities while serving in a volunteer rescue capacity, it is my great hope that I can be beneficial in addressing those needs as Vice-Chair," said Delegate Bobby Orrock. Orrock was appointed Vice-Chair of the select committee. 

The members of the committee will include Delegates Rodney Willett (Chair), Mark Sickles, Candi Mundon King, Nadarius Clark, Joshua Cole, Kannan Srinivasan, Amy Laufer, Robert Orrock (Vice-Chair), Israel O'Quinn, Ellen Campbell, Daniel Marshall, and Otto Wachsmann.

The committee requires approval from the clerk's office for funding. Members of the press interested in learning more about the committee or Sickles' appointment should contact Amanda Pittman at or Morgan Hopkins at  

RICHMOND, VA - The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) is reminding anyone spending time on or near Virginia's rivers to exercise extreme caution. Recent heavy rains, cooler temperatures, and more precipitation in the forecast make for hazardous boating conditions.  Some rivers across the state are currently very high and in flood stage.

"Winter isn't thought of as the height of boating season, but whitewater kayakers, waterfowl hunters, and others may be out on the water at this time of year" said Stacey Brown, DWR's Boating Division Director. "Recent rains coupled with the wet December Virginia had means flows are high across the state. We recommend people steer clear of flooded areas. Murky water, floating debris, and submerged hazards all pose a risk to boaters."

Regardless of the time of year you go boating, always let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return.  Additionally, have a plan to reboard your boat in case the unexpected happens and you end up in the water.   Always wear your life jacket, and during the colder months of the year, consider bringing a dry bag with you and a change of clothes in case you get wet. Weather conditions and a marine forecast can be found on the National Weather Service website.  The United States Geological Survey has water temperatures for some inland lakes and rivers.

Please visit the DWR website for more information on Boating Safety and Education in Virginia.

New Business Applications Reach Record 16 Million Under Biden-Harris Administration

WASHINGTON – Today, Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman, head of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the voice in President Biden's Cabinet for America's 33.5 million small businesses, celebrated new Census data showing 5.5 million new business applications were filed in 2023 alone—including 121,417 in Virginia—marking the third consecutive year of historic small business growth. Thanks to President Biden's Investing in America Agenda, the United States has experienced the first, second, and third strongest years of new business application rates on record.

"More Americans than ever are pursuing their dreams of business ownership as the rate of new business applications filed and establishments under President Biden continues to surge," said Administrator Guzman. "In the last year alone, Americans across the country and in a wide range of industries filed a record five and a half million new business applications, bringing the total number under this Administration to a record-breaking 16 million. America's great diversity continues to propel entrepreneurship with Black, Latino, and women founders starting up at higher rates than ever. As we enter 2024, the SBA will continue its work to increase access to the resources needed to start and grow resilient new businesses, harnessing the unique optimism and ingenuity of American entrepreneurs."

"Over the past three years of President Biden's Investing in America agenda, we've seen Virginia entrepreneurs file more than 121,417 applications to start a business—the fastest pace for new business creation ever recorded," said Regional Administrator John Fleming. "Under Administrator Guzman's leadership, the SBA has improved and streamlined programs and services to make it easier than ever for small businesses to start and grow right here in Virginia and capitalize on opportunities under to President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act."

Since President Biden took office, there have been 16 million new business applications – the highest recorded amount in a three-year period. From 2021-2023, the U.S. has seen more new business applications than the prior four years combined. The monthly average of new business applications during the three-year span — 443,000 — is 46% higher than the average of the prior four years. The surge has featured outsized growth in entrepreneurship among women, Latinos, and Black Americans.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Investing in America agenda has fueled this small business boom with historic federal investments – including the American Rescue Plan, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and Inflation Reduction Act. The SBA has helped ignite and sustain this boom by closing capital access gaps, increasing outreach to underserved entrepreneurs, and bolstering competition both domestically and abroad.

BACKGROUND: Three Years of the Biden Small Business Boom

Under the Biden-Harris Administration, Americans continue to file businesses at a record pace.

  • Record business starts: 16 million new business applications have been recorded since the start of the Biden Administration, an 84% increase relative to the average pace of annual growth from when the survey began in 2004 until the start of the Biden Administration. It took just 2 years and 10 months for new business filings during the Biden Administration to surpass the level reached during the prior Administration.
  • Record establishment growth: Department of Labor data reflect that Americans aren't just applying to start businesses—they're turning those applications into real business establishments:
    • The number of private establishments has increased by 1.3 million since the start of the Biden Administration. The annual pace of establishment growth during the Biden Administration (5.4 %) is faster than at any point in the last quarter-century.
    • 2.8 million private-sector establishments were born since the start of the Biden Administration. More establishments have been born per year during the Biden Administration (1.4 million per year) than at any point since the series began in 1993.
  • Ongoing small business job growth: More small businesses mean more small business jobs. From 2021 through the first quarter of 2023, the U.S. economy added a net 7.2 million small business jobs, with each quarter showing net-positive small business job growth of more than 370,000.  

Women and minority entrepreneurs have made an outsized contribution to new business creation.

  • Black business ownership is growing at the fastest pace in 30 years, and the share of Black households owning a business has more than doubled, from 5% to 11% between 2019 and 2022.
  • Latino business ownership is growing at the fastest pace in at least a decade, rising from 7% to 10% between 2019 and 2022.
  • The number of women-owned businesses has grown dramatically. From 2019 to 2023, the growth rate of women-owned businesses was 94% greater than the growth of
  • men-owned businesses.  

Business growth is seen broadly across industries, from tech startups to Main Street.

  • Large industries lead application growth: From 2021-2023, the top 10 sectors ranked by total business applications spanned diverse industries, led by retail, professional services, and construction.
  • Innovative startups growing rapidly: The country's most innovative pockets of enterprise all experienced establishment growth. Entities engaging in R&D across Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences, and the Social Sciences and Humanities experienced about 40% growth in number of establishments over the course of the Biden Administration through Q2 2023.

$52B in SBA Capital supported the small business boom in 2023 .

SBA lending to small businesses reflects both the increase in new business creation and the growing participation of women and minority entrepreneurs in the small business boom.

  • Minority-Owned Small Businesses: Since 2020, the share of the SBA's loan portfolio going to minority-owned businesses has increased from 23% to over 32%.
    • The number and dollar value of SBA-backed loans to Black-owned businesses has more than doubled
    • The SBA backed $3 billion in loans to Latino-owned businesses in FY23 – a record-breaking high
    • Lending to AAPI-owned small businesses is on the rise, with loan count and total loan dollars both increasing by over a third since 2020
    • Loans to Native-owned small businesses are up 70% and total loan dollars have nearly doubled since 2020.
  • Women-Owned Small Businesses: Lending to women-owned small businesses is once again on the rise, with loan counts increasing by 70% since 2020 and total loan dollars exceeding $5 billion in 2023.
  • Veteran-Owned Small Businesses: Loans to veteran-owned small businesses are up by a third since 2020, with total loan dollars exceeding $1 billion in 2023.

Historic Biden-Harris investments set the conditions for the small business boom.

  • The American Rescue Plan committed $1.9 Trillion to the U.S. economic recovery from the pandemic, providing financial security to the American middle class and enabling Americans to take on the risk of starting a business.
  • Recent laws core to the Biden Investing in America agenda, including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act further facilitate the conditions for small business success. There are both specific provisions written into the laws to support small businesses (e.g., CHIPS funding recipients are evaluated by the degree to which they create opportunities for small businesses) as well as key spillover effects that will benefit small business (e.g., investments in expanding broadband access nationwide).
  • In 2022, the Biden-Harris Administration awarded a record-breaking $163 billion in federal procurement opportunities to small businesses. These awards include a record $69.9 billion, or 11.4% of federal contracting spending, to Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDBs) – exceeding the Administration's FY22 goal – and over $28 billion to service-disabled Veteran-owned (SDVOB) small businesses, or 4.6% of federal contracting spending.

For more information about the SBA's loan programs, financial assistance, and other services, visit

Visitation Services

Thursday, Jan 11, 2024, 5:00 PM-7:00 PM

Greensville Elementary School Auditorium
1101 Sussex Dr
Emporia, VA 23847

Thursday, Jan 11, 2024, 7:00 PM

Greensville Elementary School Auditorium
1101 Sussex Dr
Emporia, VA 23847

December 30, 1960 - January 7, 2024

Sunday January 7, 2024 Stuart Anthony Slagle Sr., 63 of Emporia received the checkered flag and headed to the winners circle. 

Stuart lived a life in the fast lane from his single digit years. Before he was steady on his feet, he was hip deep in an engine compartment. If it had gears, he would know how it works, tear it down and rebuild it so it would run faster. 

From his teenage years forward, there was only one car he didn't and wouldn't own.. a Ford. 

His life started with a blue and primer colored '67 Pontiac Lemans. With that car, he became a father, husband and began the road to being the legend he is today. 

Stuart's pride and joy were his children, Yvonne(Chase), Stuart Jr (Khloe, Brent) Catie, and Eric(Jaxson) His heart was the foundation he and Connie laid for each of their children. He instilled work ethic, a love of racing, how to treat people whether it was to love them or tell them where their place was, as well as what family meant into each of those children. 

Stuart was not necessarily one to "light up the room" but he sure knew how to fill it with sound, a trait he very earnestly gained from his mom, Margaret who very much rejoiced when he came "home"

When asked what a life lived even looks like, it should be said to just look at how Stuart lived. Whether it was racing cars when he probably shouldn't have, hunting deer like it was his job, being the small town sweetheart who took care of everyone's grandma when she needed help, loving his family with every fiber of his being, holding his friends just as tight, not letting the small things bother him, or just never being down and out or angry unless someone was driving in the left lane for no reason, or commercials lasted a minute too long. 

Stuart is now reunited with his family, multiple friends and a few racing buddies. The next time there is a thunderstorm just know, somebody told Stuart they could out run him and he's proving them wrong as always, he's finally met his match and is giving Dale Earnhardt hell up there or he has built yet another Nova, or S-10 with pipes that will rattle your windows. 

If you take anything from Stuart and his way of living, please Live life in the fast lane but make sure you take time to enjoy the view too. 

The family will receive friends 5-7 p.m. Thursday, January 11 in the auditorium of Greensville Elementary School followed at 7 p.m. by a memorial service.

Re-introducing legislation he championed in 2022, Del. Nadarius Clark (HD-84) will carry legislation raising teacher pay in Virginia to America's national average.

RICHMOND, VA — Today, Delegate Nadarius Clark re-introduced legislation to raise the baseline salary for all public school teachers in Virginia and ensure that it could not fall below America's national average. This bill mirrors legislation Del. Clark brought forward in his first year as delegate in 2022. This new bill, HB 187, would further require that instructional and non-instructional support staff, such as teacher aids and resource officers, would also benefit from the new raise. 

Speaking to what he sees as a new opportunity to fully fund public schools, putting teachers and their students first, Delegate Nadarius Clark said, "Our Commonwealth is losing well trained, experienced, and qualified educators to neighboring states that have made clear in their budgets that public education is a top priority. HB 187 will ensure that we are investing in the next generation of Virginians by paying our teachers what they deserve."

"Virginia teachers cannot adequately educate our children if they are worried about having to make ends meet or putting food on their table. Delegate Clark's bill will not only ensure that we can be competitive in attracting and retaining world-class local teachers in our public school system, but also ensure that we are supporting our teachers and rewarding their work developing the next generation," said Delegate Sam Rasoul. Del. Rasoul is the Chair-designee of the House Education Committee. 

The bill follows precedent set by Education Chair-designee Sam Rasoul, who also introduced a bill to raise teacher pay in Virginia to the national average in 2023 before it was killed on a party line vote by the then-Republican majority. To learn more about the legislative priorities of Del. Clark, subscribe to the Clark for Delegate official newsletter at and visit Del. Clark's chief patron portal on LIS.

June 19, 1953 - January 6, 2024


1 p.m. Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Greensville Memorial Cemetery
1250 Skippers Road
Emporia, Virginia.

Mrs. Yvonne Cifers Lynch, 70, of Chesterfield passed away on Saturday, January 6, 2024. She was the daughter of the late David and Margaret Cifers.

Yvonne is survived by her husband, E. C. Lynch, Jr.; two daughters, Nannette Lynch and Yvette Brown (James); two sons, Efride C. Lynch, III (Emily) and John Lynch (Megan); grandchildren, Reid Lynch, Jack Brown, Zack Brown, Eric Brown, Denise Brown, Diana Brown, John Walker Lynch, Mason Lynch, Noah Lynch, Madison Lynch and Judson Lynch.

The funeral service will be held graveside 1 p.m. Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at Greensville Memorial Cemetery, 1250 Skippers Rd, Emporia, Virginia.

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions be made to Calvary Baptist Church, 318 Riley St., Dundee, Michigan 48131

Online condolences may be shared with the family at





KENBRIDGE, VA, December 28, 2023 - Benchmark Bankshares, Inc. (BMBN), the Kenbridge-based hold­ing company for Benchmark Community Bank, recently announced the declaration of a semi-annual dividend of $0.40 per share to holders of common stock of the company. The $0.80 dividend for 2023 represents a 9.59% increase over the $0.73 per share dividend declared during 2022.  

The record date for shareholders entitled to payment of the dividend will be the close of business, 5:00 P.M., on January 5, 2024, with payment to occur by January 31, 2024. 

The common stock of Benchmark Bankshares, Inc. trades on the OTC Pink marketplace under the symbol BMBN. Any stockbroker can assist with purchases of the company's stock, as well as with sales of holdings.

Benchmark Community Bank, founded in 1971, is head­quartered in Kenbridge, VA. It is the company's sole subsidiary which oper­ates seventeen banking offices through­out central Southside Vir­ginia and northern North Carolina. Additional information is available at the company’s website,


Visitation Services

Thursday, December 28, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Echols Funeral Home
803 Brunswaick Avenue

Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.

Echols Funeral Home
803 Brunswaick Avenue

June 13, 1939 - December 24, 2023

In the early morning hours of Christmas Eve Robert Wayne (Bob Wayne) Mitchell, 84, went to heaven to celebrate with our Lord.

Bob is survived by his wife of 32 years Susan Hamlin Mitchell, sons Mark and wife Michelle; Craig and wife Karen; and Christopher, and daughter Susan Blankenship. Grandchildren Camille Mitchell, Chase Mitchell, Georgianna Dowdy, Michael Blankenship and great granddaughter Raelynn; and sister Marianne Mitchell Bernier and husband Louis and a host of Nieces and nephews.

He was predeceased by his parents Vernon Batte Mitchell and Emily Bowen Mitchell, brothers George, Joe Batte, Henry (Billy Fox), Julian, and Don, a sister Emily, half-sisters Hessie Gilbert and Mabel Taylor sisters in law Alice Griffin Mitchell and Jane Brett Mitchell.

Bob Wayne was a lifelong member of Monumental United Methodist Church; he was a lifetime member of the Greensville Fire Department since 1960 and served as Chief several times and as President until 2022.

He and his family owned Mitchell Brothers Supermarket in Emporia for 75 years and was operated by Julian, Don, and Bob Wayne.

Pallbearers are Chris Rawlings, Jeff Rawlings, John Watson, Kenny Ryals, Ricky Bernier, Edwin Bernier, Charles Bernier, Mike Rae and Gary Mitchell.

Honorary Pallbearers are the Greensville Volunteer Fire Department.

The family will receive friends at Echols Funeral Home on Thursday, December 28, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

A funeral service will immediately follow starting at 2:00 p.m. with Pastor Jerry Wicker officiating. Interment to follow at Emporia Cemetery

In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Greensville Volunteer Fire Department.

Online condolences may be made at