Your Seven Day Forecast

Petersburg Kiwanis Club Helps Jackson-Feild

Ten members of the Petersburg Kiwanis Club recently volunteered their time and talent to help Jackson-Feild put a fresh coat of paint on the wooden decks around the Gwaltney School.

Jackson-Feild’s students attend the on-campus school for their educational instruction. Gwaltney School is licensed by the Virginia Department of Education and is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Specialized Educational Facilities. The school specializes in teaching those students who have been unable to reach their age-appropriate grade level due to circumstances in their lives to “catch up to their grade level”.

The volunteers had a crisp fall day and were able to complete painting the entire school deck in a few hours thanks to the hard work of these dedicated volunteers. After painting, they gathered in the dining hall to enjoy a nice lunch. The children and staff at Jackson-Feild are incredibly grateful to the members of the Petersburg Kiwanis Club.

Kiwanis International is a global organization of members dedicated to serving the children of the world. Kiwanis and its family of clubs- nearly 600,000 members strong- annually Dedicate more than 18 million volunteer hours to strengthen communities and serve children. The objective of the Petersburg Kiwanis Club is to bring aid to children in need. The club has financially supported the children at Jackson-Field for years and conducted numerous volunteer service projects to further its mission.

The mission of JFBHS is to provide high quality evidence-based psychiatric, residential, educational and recovery treatment services for children who suffer from severe emotional trauma, mental illness and/or addiction. The goal is to restore wellness and provide support for successful reintegration into homes, families and communities. We value each of our residents’ ability to lead well-rounded lives not only after their stay at Jackson-Feild, but also while on our campus. A large part of their experience is education.