Your Seven Day Forecast

Tuition Staying the Same at SVCC

Southside Virginia Community College will not increase tuition and fees for this academic year.

Students will have their tuition and fees stay the same for the 2022-2023 academic year after the decision was announced on July 21 by the Virginia State Board for Community Colleges.

“We are grateful for the decision by the State Board to keep tuition and fees flat for the upcoming academic year.  SVCC continues to be a high-quality and affordable higher education option for students and families in Southside Virginia.  As our tuition costs stay the same, this allows for more access to higher education, which is part of the college's mission,” said Dr. Quentin R. Johnson, SVCC President.

This marks the fifth year in a row that the board has voted to hold tuition and fees steady for in-state students who account for more than nine out of every ten students served by Virginia’s Community Colleges.

The State Board’s decision means SVCC’s in-state tuition and mandatory fees will remain at $156.50 per credit hour. The State Board also maintained the existing tuition rate for out-of-state students, which for SVCC is $356.50 per credit hour.  Community college tuition and fees are approximately one-third of the comparable costs of attending Virginia’s public four-year universities.