January 6, 1934 - December 22, 2022
Services |
11 am Friday December 30th
Mt Calvary Cemetery
1400 S Randolph St.
Richmond Va 23220
It is with great regret that we announce the passing of Ruth Evelyn VanCleave. Born Ruth Buchanan. Rusty as she was known by her friends and family passed peacefully after years of battling Alzheimmers. She is now with Her Father Wiiliam, Mother Bessie, Husband Reid, Son Bill,and several of her Brothers and Sisters who went before.She is survived and will be Missed by Her Granddaughter Chrystal, sisters Jean and Phyllis, Her Brother Calvin and his wife Sandra and all her VanCleave and Buchanan family members.
Rusty led a full life with a large family, of coming from a family of six Sisters and two Brothers and then marrying into an equally large family of six Brothers and two Sisters.She was Born Jan 6 near Bowling Green Virginia, to William Buchanan and his wife Bessie.She grew up helping with Farm work, and helping to care for the siblings younger than herself. She attended CT Smith High School then met Reid VanCleave. He became her husband of over 50 Years,She followed Reid around Army Bases over the World and found a love for Germany and the people there.When Reid retired from the Army they settled in Richmond Virginia. with visits to Iowa and the VanCleaves. She worked for the Auditor of Public Accounts for the Commonwealth of Virginia until she too retired. and donated some of her time to the local DAV.
She led a full life and has been missed by many as Alzheimer took her away over the years.
She would not want flowers, unless you plant them for yourself. To remember Her, say a Prayer, Love your Family, help a Veteran.
The funeral service will be held graveside at Mt Calvary Cemetery 1400 S Randolph St. Richmond Va 23220 at 11 am Friday Dec 30th at Mt Calvary Cemetery 1400 S Randolph St. Richmond Va 23220.